I’m not a natural in doing abstracts, but I can appreciate abstract art work. And I mean real good abstract art, not bad art which hides under the cover of “abstract art”. What I’ve done here didn’t exactly end up  being  totally abstract, but I enjoyed the line work and the ink marks. In fact, it is probably still only more of my exercises in line and mark making, and not real abstract efforts..

…the blues…

..J Herbin inks with feather quill on Arches aquarelle paper rough,18x26cm..

…the Reds…

…Sennelier inks with feather quill on Arches aquarelle paper rough,18x26cm..

…The Blacks…

…Black Winsor et Newton Indian inks with feather quill on Arches aquarelle paper rough,18x26cm..

7 thoughts on “Abstract efforts in inks.

  1. These are absolutely LOVELY! AbstractED rather than totally abstract – which is my preferred version., I totally agree that some work that hides behind being an abstract is dire! but done well abstract work is beautiful. This is done extremely well :>) and very beautiful.

  2. Oh, Ronelle, more sketches and wash that remind me of sumi-e painting…I just love them. And the J. Herbin inks are beautiful. After seeing the earlier one you did with Gris Nuage, I am planning to buy some J. Herbin inks–once I find an online store.

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