When you forget a paintbrush at home, you use what you have available. In this case, it was my hands. And for this occasion it worked fine, although it will definitely not become my preferred way of working. I will in tie or glue my brush to my bag so I’ll never forget it again.

…interior of  “la panettiére” in Toulouse

pen and watercolorin watercolor sketchbook, 18x24cm..

The next  sketch was done in the barn one evening.. and I only noticed the slant during the daytime the next day..the light in the barn at night is just not good enough for any art making, but I quite like the quirky feel to these pots. They are two of my very old terracotta pots from Provence and I adore them! I’ve started doing an oil panting with these pots..a canvas that  has already been standing a few weeks  on the easel…and now I’m subjecting  my name to scandal by admitting it here..

…two provencal pots…

..pen and watercolour on Arches watercolor paper, CP, 18x26cm..

13 thoughts on “A handpainted aquarelle sketch and provencal pots.

  1. Il n’y a que toi..:)

    I love these handpaintings.. Children do it..and you do too..
    Love the slant too..what gorgeous hues.
    The inside ..with the apothecary jars..I bet I would love Toulouse~


  2. I love this interior scene! And if you hadn’t told us you had done it without brushes, I wouldn’t have guessed it!

    … and tell me, didn’t you tell us, not so long ago, that you went for a watercolour worshop or weekend and you had forgotten your papers or sketchbooks??? Hmm… no, no, nothing. 😉 you’re my sister!!

  3. Simply amazing!! 😀
    Even if you had to paint without a brush it comes out terrific! You should do some more with that technique on purpose! It really is lovely!! We wouldn’t lie!! (I wouldn’t at least!!) I love it!! Do you have any more aquarelles in Toulouse?! I’d love to see them! ‘So impressed!! 😀 Thanks!
    xo 🙂 Willow F.

  4. Btw, I believe your name is “Ronelle”; but why do I keep seeing it spelled as “ronell”? Ronelle is the correct one, oui? 🙂
    xo Willow

  5. Hi Ronell

    Getting caught up with old friends and it took forever to find you. I had to get away from the cyber world for a while as it was consuming all of my time and energy. It will take time to get back into it, but I truly miss all the wonderful friends I met and awesome eye candy which I see is still in abundance here. Off to peruse a bit.

    Big Hugs

  6. As always, love your line work! That your color in the first is very organic in feel works all the more. Hope you washed your hands well! And, I’m jealous… you have pots from Provence! Love how you mingle color with the white of your paper.

Tthank you for your visit and comment, II appreciate it!